Financial Habits

man in theater

Why Simple Financial Strategy Works

In life and in finances, simplicity is underestimated. The truth is, simple things get done, the complex usually don’t. In the end results matter so getting things done isn’t optional. Within finances, having a complex “master plan” can be overwhelming and lead to paralysis. (Not to mention unnecessarily costly) Rather than fixating on the massive master plan, simply take the first step or begin with the most important action.  By getting the first step right you’ll be setting yourself up to powerfully take the second step. Said another way, doing the most important and obvious things first, you lay a solid foundation. Anything large starts as something small. In fact, the complex is merely made up of many simple, interlocking parts. In finance the first steps may be obvious, but not glamorous. Take them anyway. For example: begin saving 10% or more of your income AND NEVER STOP.  As your income increases, your 10% savings should too. This seems obvious, but many won’t take the time to carry it out. If you don’t have one, then use that money to build up your emergency account. Start with 1 to 2 months worth of expenses so that you can begin building peace of mind and confidence. Next comes another simple step: if you have inefficient debts (anything over a 7% interest rate) begin using that “savings” to pay off the debts.  Paying off a 17% credit card has the same impact on your bottom line as earning 17% in an investment… WITH NO RISK. Paying off bad debt isn’t sexy, but it’s incredibly effective. Don’t skip this step. Once the bad debts are paid off, continue to save until you have 3-6 months worth of expenses. Again, this is simple but it continue to build your confidence and help your mindset become one of abundance rather than fear or scarcity.  This is a HUGE shift. If you simply continued to save 10-20% of your income, and never invested a penny, you’d still end up ahead of 80% of people in our country by retirement. It won’t make you uber rich, but this plain and simple practice will single handedly change your life.  It takes time, but even with no other action it works. Of course, once you’ve begun to build up savings things can get more complex, but only if you let them. You’ll want to put your money to work earning for you, but that can be a large learning curve. The truth is developing a financial strategy doesn’t have to be tricky, but with so many people looking to “help” you manage your money, it can be difficult to determine which way to go. Some will show you intricate plans with many moving pieces and in depth flow charts. Others will ask you to hand them your money and never look at it until retirement.  Neither of these is a good idea because if you don’t understand what’s happening, it’s easy to lose confidence or get bamboozled. The good news is that you CAN keep wealth building simple and allow yourself to focus on what’s really important: your loved ones, your health, and your work. If you get those right, you’ll be winning the game of life! LIKE WHAT YOUR READING? THEN YOU’LL LOVE OUR VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE. YOU CAN WATCH HERE>>> If you’re ready to let go of all the complexity and simplify your finances, we can help.  Our focus is to get money out of the way so that you can live your biggest life. If that sounds like what you want, let’s talk. You won’t get a bunch of technical jargon or smoke and mirrors. Just a clear, easy to execute strategy that fits your lifestyle and will help put your mind at ease, so schedule a free conversation here…

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How to Make Good Financial Decisions

Have you ever wondered how some people make such great financial decisions while others seem to stumble at every opportunity? Do you know the difference between a good financial decision and a not-so-good one? Can you imagine how useful it would be to have a framework for making better financial decisions in your life? Ironically, in most cases people like you and I aren’t actually making financial decisions at all. Instead they are simply following the “path of least resistance” and doing what the “herd” has told them is best. That “easy road” often looks like contributing to a company sponsored IRA, 401(k), or other stock market vehicle without much thought about how it will impact their future liquidy, mindset, or taxes. In other cases running on financial autopilot means trying to pay off a mortgage or student loan debt as quickly as possible without understanding the “pros” or “cons” of their decision. Even worse, the path of least resistance can look like giving money to a friend or relative to “invest” or start a business simply because they asked. It wasn’t YOUR idea, it was someone else’s, but for you it was easier to say “Yes” than “No” without any deeper investigation so you did. I’ve seen enough of these type of investments fail to know that they shouldn’t be taken lightly. So is there a better way? A way to think about money so that you can consistently move toward your goals, and protect yourself from bad decisions that may erase years of hard work and savings? The answer is a resounding “Yes”, but it may not be what you think. The key to making good decisions has less to do with the tools or products you choose and more to do with WHY you are making the choices you make. Tools are only as good as the person utilizing them, so making good decisions is about YOU picking the right tools and strategies FOR YOU! The moment you realize that you can create your own options and you don’t need to just take what the world offers you is a major shift. You’re no longer a slave to other people’s offerings so you can forge your own path! That knowledge is empowering and will ultimately allow you to be the captain of your own ship no matter which way the wind blows! Here are a few questions to ask before you get into any investment or savings vehicle. If you take the time to be honest with yourself, you’ll likely see that most options in the world are NOT ideal for you. This is actually GOOD news… Because you’ll be able to focus on what IS best without being distracted by all of the other options other people are pushing. Once you experience this freedom from being blown from one idea or opportunity to another, you’ll never go back. 5 Key Questions for Making Better Financial Decisions: 1) Is this financial vehicle something that will increase my confidence and empower my mindset, or will is push me toward fear, doubt, or scarcity? Your confidence and mindset is your most important attribute. With a abundant, optimistic mindset you’re going to be better in everything you do! That includes your business & career decisions, relationships, health, and your finances. So making decisions that keep your mindset tip-top is of the utmost importance. Even further, if something made you money but you felt worse or more fearful during the process, would it be worth it? Absolutely not! In my opinion, the whole point of money is to increase your quality of life. So if an investment decreases the quality of my life, I consider it a bad one… even if it makes more dollars in the process. 2) How much do I understand the opportunity or vehicle? If you don’t understand where you are putting your money, your chances of success are much lower. I see too many people putting their money into investments, products, or businesses they don’t understand AT ALL. To me this seems crazy! Why would you put your life’s savings in a place that you don’t understand? You work so hard to earn the money so it’s essential that you protect it as much as possible. So understanding how a financial tool or opportunity works is a pre-requist before investing. On a final note, if you don’t understand something but want to invest in it, then your first “investment” should be in getting educated on that strategy, product, or business. 3) How much control do I have over the vehicle? If you don’t have control over where you’ve put your money, then what do you do if the investment/vehicle isn’t working? Can you get your money out? Will you be able to help improve the outcome of the investment or vehicle? Once again, if you have no control over your money, then your chances of success are lower than when you have knowledge and control. (It goes without saying that if you don’t understand an investment, then you can’t truly control its outcome either) 4) How flexible is this financial vehicle for me? We all know that markets go up & down and the economy is changing at a break neck pace, so the ability to move and adjust to new changes is vital. Not even the smartest people in the world know what’s going to be happening 5 or 10 years from now, so how could you? Being liquid or flexible with your money allows you the maximum opportunity to keep risk low and maximize profitability no matter what happens in the economy AND in personal situations like injury, illness, or personal problems. For example, many people were “investing” in paying off their home mortgage quickly in the early 2000’s. Unfortunately, when the 2008 mortgage crisis struck these people were caught with a lot of home equity but very little cash. For those who lost their jobs and couldn’t pay their bills the equity

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Don’t Leave Your Financial Future to Chance…

“Do you want to build your financial future around something that you KNOW is completely unstable?” I asked asked the crowd. Heads nodded. Eyes glazed over. A few people even stared at me like they were dumb struck. This was the punctuating line from another speaking engagement where I worked to help otherwise smart, hard working business owners to see where they’ve been not-so-smart about building wealth. I’m Constantly Amazed that So Many Intelligent People Turn Their Brains Off When it Comes to Money and Finances. But let me start from the beginning… Lately I’ve heard a lot of whispers… at coffee shops, while dining in the latest restaurant hot spot, and even on the mainstream radio. What I’m I talking about?  I mean the kind whispers indicating people know something is coming with the economy, but they aren’t quite sure what… AND that they are afraid. The meltdown of 2008 is still too fresh in many minds and all of the signs point to a repeat performance sometime soon.  Of course it will be different this time, but we all know SOMETHING is going to happen. If you don’t have money in the stock market, then maybe you aren’t so worried. But if you do, then you’re right in being concerned because we all saw what happened 10 years ago. It set most people back more than a decade and devastated their financial plans. But all that struggle could have been avoided in 2008, and whatever is coming can be avoided too. It just takes the willingness to think differently about your money and building wealth. If you’re like me, then you already know that Wall Street doesn’t care about you. Not even a little. Wall Street Only Cares About Wall Street. You know what I’m saying is true, even if you don’t want to say it out loud. So ask yourself why would you trust them with your life savings when they’ve already proven that they are willing to make a profit, even if it hurts YOU? It doesn’t make sense, does it? I know everyone else is doing it and the people on CNBC and Fox News tell you it’s a good idea, but you also know that those TV networks are OWNED by Wall Street and big banks. So of course they are going to tell you to give them your money. It may create stability and income for THEM, but it doesn’t do that for YOU. So ask yourself, if you could be SURE of the returns you’d earn on your money, would you prefer that to guessing?  And if you knew exactly how much money you’d have at retirement (or for the next stage of life), would that be better than hoping and praying that you can beat Wall Street at its own game and time the market right? If You Answered that You’d Prefer a Predictable, Certain Future for Your Money – Then Keep on Reading… Here’s reality: It’s nearly impossible to create a financial plan or retirement strategy when the bulk of your money is riding the roller coaster of the market. There is simply NO WAY to plan for the future when you can’t predict what might happen in the markets. However, what IS predictable is that the markets will go up and down, and that most “non Wall Street” people will lose while the big banks and financial institutions will win. It’s been that way for the past 40+ years, and its only getting worse. So now we get back to where this post began and I’ll ask you the same thing… “Do you want to try to build your financial future around something that you KNOW is completely unstable?” If not, congratulations! You may have just changed the financial trajectory of your life… The Good News… There are ways to make consistent, predictable, safe returns outside of the “Wall Street Casino”, and it’s probably not what you think.  These ideas don’t require to you out smart big business, “beat the system”, or utilize some loop hole that might soon be closed. I’m talking about tried and true strategies that have worked for 100’s of years and are heavily used by the wealthiest families and corporations in the world. The best news is that you don’t need to have millions of dollars to implement these ideas. In Fact You Can Start Building Wealth with As Little as a Few Hundred Dollars a Month. (Although we have clients using $100k+ each year) Rather than explaining exactly what I’m talking about (because there’s a slightly different variation for each person) I’d like to invite you to learn more by downloading our free book or scheduling a free learning session with our team. There’s no obligation and we’re happy to answer any of your questions when we talk, so you’ve got nothing to lose. Needless to say, if you are tired of the ups and downs of markets and Wall Street creating chaos in your finances and keeping you from the peace of mind that comes from KNOWING you’re on the right track – then I want you to know… There ARE Other Alternatives. If you’d like to do the research yourself, be my guest. (It only took us about 20 years of research to figure this stuff out) Or you can take the “short cut” and learn from a team that has finally figured out how to create predictable returns you can count on for the long haul. Simply schedule a complimentary strategy session or download our free book to see what I’m talking about… It’s Time to Take Charge and Stop Leaving Your Financial Future to Chance. The choice is yours and the sooner you see how this works, the sooner you’ll understand how different your financial life can be! I Want to know More LIKE WHAT YOUR READING? THEN YOU’LL LOVE OUR VIDEOS. YOU CAN WATCH AND SUBSCRIBE HERE>>>

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Get Off the Financial Treadmill and Start Building Wealth

I work with a lot of successful business owners. Dentists, Real Estate Investors, Optometrists, Chiropractors and more… Most of them make strong six figure incomes, but far too many of them don’t have nearly enough to show for it. They bring in a great income, but somehow it all evaporates before they can figure out what’s happening. I call this situation the “financial treadmill”. Money comes in the front door and then goes right out the back door, and just like that monster at the gym, it will suck the life out of you while taking you nowhere. It leaves you tired and wondering how you’re ever going to get anywhere… So why do these smart people with good incomes struggle to building wealth? Because they haven’t made the critical “pivot” yet… What “pivot” you ask? It’s the pivot point when you begin to turn your “income” into “assets”, and it’s a LOT easier than you probably think. Your “income” is money produced by your “daily grind”. It’s why you get up and go into the office – even if it’s at home – and what makes you feel guilty when you are supposed to be enjoying your family vacation. Your income requires YOU to be working, otherwise the money doesn’t come in very fast (or at all). Don’t get me wrong, income is important. But if you never make the pivot to building assets, you’ll always have to work for money instead of IT working for YOU. On the contrary, “Assets” (as I’m referring to them) are tools that get money working for you – even when you aren’t around.  They can generate income 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Even better, they don’t tire you out in the same way as the “treadmill”. At worst assets will build up over time and give you a comfortable baseline of earnings for enjoyment or retirement. However, if utilized correctly, the shift from earning income to building assets will create the freedom and certainty that many clients are missing before I help them make the pivot. If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to have money working for you (even when the markets aren’t cooperating), then it might be time for us to have a conversation.  For most of my clients, making this pivot literally changes the trajectory of their life. It will shift you away from a future of endlessly slaving away in your business, and toward creating a future that allows you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. What could be better than spending time with the people you love and on projects that matter to you!? LIKE WHAT YOUR READING? THEN YOU’LL LOVE OUR VIDEOS. YOU CAN WATCH AND SUBSCRIBE HERE>>> If you’d like to know more, simply click here to set up a complimentary call with me (or my team) or download our book here…

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Why Keeping Financial Strategy Simple Works

It’s been said that the simplest solution is often the best.  I’ve found that to be true in many aspects of life, and after a lot of research, I believe it applies to money and finances most of all. Not surprisingly, most of the TV ads and salesmen you encounter are pushing a different agenda. They want you to believe that you aren’t smart (or knowledgeable) enough to handle your own money… and then they let you know that they are happy to manage your money for you. (Because they are so smart) Now it’s true that the stock market and many other investments can be complex, so a good adviser could help, but that doesn’t necessarily make those investments the right choice for you.  In fact, it seems to me that if you don’t fully understand an investment, then it definitely ISN’T the right place for your money. If we go back to that idea that the simplest solution is best – it seems self evident that you should put your money in places where you have an understanding and control over how they work. Make sense? Ask yourself, are you saving and investing money in places that YOU understand or not?  Are you putting your money in places that you have some (or a lot) of control in how to investments perform? If you don’t have much understanding or control over your money currently, I’d invite you to rethink your investing philosophy. Because putting your money into things you don’t control or understand sounds more like “gambling” than investing to me… At this point I always get some wise guy from the back of the room saying, “What if I don’t know about ANY kind of investment?” That’s a valid point – especially coming from the trouble maker in the back… So here’s the answer: If you don’t know where to invest, figure out an area/topic/field you’d like to invest in eventually, and then spend time and money to invest in your education.  In other words, take some training, classes, or get a mentor so that you can successfully (aka with control & understanding) invest in that area in the future. For example, if you want to invest in real estate, your first step should NOT be buying an investment property.  It’s true that you might get lucky, but you could also lose everything, and that sucks! When I first started, I spent about $60,000 learning how to effectively invest in real estate, but it made me several million dollars back (so far). I’d call that a darn good ROI on my education! So, rather than immediately purchasing a property, I believe you should get the training to understand what you are doing and why a particular property would be a good investment for YOU and your family. In general, if you’re not sure why something is a good idea, then the chances are good that it isn’t… especially in investing. I know that sounds like the old-fashioned, slow way to wealth and you might want to be a gun-slinging, go-for-broke investor – but trust me when I say that a little time and money spent in education is worth a LOT of time and money lost in a bad investment. (I’ve seen bad investments cost people YEARS and hundreds of thousands) It’s easy to forget that building wealth is a marathon, not a sprint. You might find yourself in such a rush to do SOMETHING that you don’t take time to do the BEST THING for your success. DON’T BE THAT PERSON – it doesn’t work. As Robert Kiyosaki said, “Risk is the investor, not the investment” So invest in your education until you understand the investment so well that it is no longer risky for YOU. At that point, you’re stacking the cards in your favor and your odds of winning increase dramatically! Decades of experience has shown me that investing in your own knowledge is NEVER a bad choice, so don’t be afraid to slow down (just a little) and take enough time to get educated. Nearly every major mistake I’ve seen people make in investing came because they were in a big rush to make a decision.  Either they had money burning a hole in their pocket, or someone else pressured them into a “ground floor opportunity” and they got burned.  Don’t be that guy. ACTION ITEM: Look at your existing investments and savings vehicles and ask yourself to answer the following questions on a scale of 1-10: 1) How well do I understand my investments? 2) How much control do I have over the outcomes of my investments? 3) If something was to go wrong, how clear am I on how I would get out of the investment? 4) Do I understand any fees associated with my investment? 5) If I didn’t have money invested in this product/company/service, how much would I care about it? If you don’t like your answers, it might be time to think about making some changes… and if you DO like your answers, great job! I’ve found that if you stick with stuff that seems “simple” to you, you’re probably investing in areas that you know, understand, and control.  But it’s when you try to get “sophisticated” that you end up with your money parked in a bad neighborhood.  So let’s keep it simple and avoid all the trouble! My main focus is helping people build wealth through using financial strategies and tools that play to your strengths.  If we can do that, you’ll stack the cards in your favor and can consistently keep risk low, while returns are high!  That’s MY kind of investing! Want help with your financial strategy? That’s what we do… Click here to schedule a complimentary assessment session. We’d love to help you begin taking action on your dreams starting today! LIKE WHAT YOUR READING? THEN YOU’LL LOVE OUR VIDEOS. YOU CAN WATCH AND SUBSCRIBE HERE>>>

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A Savings Strategy that Works…

Everyone knows that saving money is important. We all understand that it is the basis of creating financial stability and a prerequisite to having money to invest. Yet, the vast majority of people in the U.S. aren’t saving anything! In fact, according to CNBC, a staggering 78% of full time workers said they are living paycheck to paycheck.  In case you don’t speak “financial jargon” I’ll translate: they aren’t saving. I’m sure they WANT to save, but they just can’t seem to do make it happen. It’s seems understandable because we all have car repairs, home maintenance, activities for the kids, and everyone NEEDS a 75 inch TV, right? At some point you’ve probably felt like every time your are about to get ahead, something comes up and you are back where you started. Sound familiar? If you are part of the 78% (or even if you aren’t) then its time to listen up because this simple skill of ‘saving’ is literally the difference between people who become financially independent, and the other 78%. Now, before you say anything, I’m going to tell you something you don’t want to hear. The difference between financial success and a double digit bank account is NOT about how much money you make. Seriously. It’s not. How much money you make DOES matter, but it’s not the MOST important factor once you get above the poverty line. I’ve worked with a LOT of people that make over $500,000 a year that are BROKE.  Yep, they are living paycheck to paycheck just like everyone else.  That may seem impossible, but its true. In every single case I encountered, it is because they NEVER LEARNED HOW TO SAVE. The reality is, if you never learn to save, then you are “learning” to spend every dollar you make. Its that simple.  As you make more, you spend more.  Its very easy to spend an extra $10, 20, 50k a year by simply having a slight nicer house, car, vacation, and eating out a little more often. So, by the time you are making $40k a month you have a really nice house, kids in private school, some great trips in your photo albums, and 2 beautiful cars in the garage – but ALMOST NOTHING in the bank. Simply put, saving needs to be a first priority and a conscious effort or it rarely works. That doesn’t mean it needs to be grueling or difficult, it just needs to be planned and intentional. Here’s the simplest way to begin saving right away: From here forward, immediately set aside 20% of every dollar into a savings account. (If you can’t do 20% right away, then start with 10%) Don’t wait till the end of the month, instead transfer the money as soon as you get paid.  You may of heard the phrase “pay yourself first”, this is what it means. Most people make the mistake of trying to cut back spending all month and save whatever is left. If you’ve ever tried this you know IT DOESN’T WORK. I’ve personally talked with 1000’s of people who’ve tried it, and the answer is always the same, “There is never any left”. Bottom line: you have to SAVE FIRST and learn to live on the rest. Even if you are barely making ends meet, begin putting the money in the savings account. If you save first, you’ll begin to strengthen your ‘saving muscles’. You can always pull the money back out of savings for an emergency, so don’t let fear keep you from learning to save. Soon enough you’ll begin to see the money build up in your savings account and you’ll be on your way! The best part is that seeing your savings account grow gets REALLY EXCITING!  It takes time, but watching the balance go up each month will reconfirm that you are doing the right thing and help you stay on track. If you do this, then as you make more, you save more.  More importantly, it becomes a habit that will serve you the rest of your life! Having money in the bank means you get better loans and interest rates, you don’t have to put emergency expenses on credit cards, and you won’t ever get backed into a bad situation because you have a “safety net” in your savings account. So if you aren’t saving 20% of what you earn now, its time to start.  In fact, if you can automate your savings by having your bank set up an automatic transfer or a sweep – that’s even better!  Once you get started you’ll be amazed at how fast things change! LIKE WHAT YOUR READING? THEN YOU’LL LOVE OUR VIDEOS. YOU CAN WATCH AND SUBSCRIBE HERE>>>

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The Most Important Financial Habit

Imagine you just bought your dream car. How would it feel to sit behind the wheel with the windows rolled down and the fresh wind blowing across your skin. The rumble of the engine tickling you as your favorite song plays on the radio making you want to sing at the top of your lungs, and you can’t believe how great it feels to lean into the incredibly comfortable seat. Everywhere you go, people see your car and gaze in admiration at how beautiful it is rolling down the road… Then suddenly the engine stops cold. Not even a gurgle as it freezes and leaves you sitting in a lifeless, soundless, hunk of metal going nowhere. Just 30 seconds ago you were living the good life, but now you’re wondering how you’re going to get anywhere… What changed? The engine stopped. That’s what. In a car your engine is EVERYTHING. Without it you can’t move anywhere, the windows don’t work, and even the radio stops. The engine is the entire foundation of what makes a car go. Your financial life is the same thing. It has a lot of fluffy bells and whistles that can be exciting, but without the ‘engine’ none of it works. So what’s the financial engine in your life? Learning to SAVE. I know. I know. That’s not very sexy. BUT, it’s incredibly important. Think about it… If you never saved any money, how would you grow your business? How would you invest? How would you ever go on vacation, buy a house, or do anything that cost more than a single paycheck? Learning to systematically save is literally he difference between people who become incredibly wealthy and those who live paycheck to paycheck. Yes, even if you make a LOT of money. I’ve worked with 1000’s of small business owners and I’ve seen this play out in every. single. case. I’ve helped people who make less than $50,000 a year and are building wealth, and I’ve worked with too many people that make $50,000 a MONTH and are BROKE. The broke ones spend every penny they make and live in constant fear. How is that possible? Because they never learned to save. That’s it. Seriously. The “broke ones” are smart people and they are doing a lot of things right, but they never figured out how to set aside money from each ‘payday’ and its KILLING them. Its hard on their health, it strains their marriage, and it will be very hard on them when life throws a ‘curve ball’ and they have nothing to fall back on. Before you learn to run you must learn to walk. Before the windows and radio work in the car, the engine has to be firing. Before you can build wealth and invest effectively, you must learn to save. If you aren’t already, start setting aside at least 10% of every dollar you make. Unless you are absolutely broke already, you should be able to do that quite easily. THEN, once you’re used to 10%, bump it to 15% and then 20%. You’ll be amazed at how quickly the money builds up. Guess what else builds up? Your confidence. Your abundance. Your optimism. Somehow the world looks a lot rosier when you’ve got financial strength, and I want you to experience it. Saving isn’t the only component of building wealth, but without it, you’ll never even get out of the parking lot! LIKE WHAT YOUR READING? THEN YOU’LL LOVE OUR VIDEOS. YOU CAN WATCH AND SUBSCRIBE HERE>>>

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