Dream Big. Plan Big. Live Big.

Derick Van Ness Derick Van Ness

Don't Leave Your Financial Future to Chance...

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"Do you want to build your financial future around something that you KNOW is completely unstable?" I asked asked the crowd.

Heads nodded. Eyes glazed over. A few people even stared at me like they were dumb struck.

This was the punctuating line from another speaking engagement where I worked to help otherwise smart, hard working business owners to see where they've been not-so-smart about building wealth.

I'm Constantly Amazed that So Many Intelligent People Turn Their Brains Off When it Comes to Money and Finances.

But let me start from the beginning...

Lately I've heard a lot of whispers... at coffee shops, while dining in the latest restaurant hot spot, and even on the mainstream radio.

What I'm I talking about?  I mean the kind whispers indicating people know something is coming with the economy, but they aren't quite sure what... AND that they are afraid.

The meltdown of 2008 is still too fresh in many minds and all of the signs point to a repeat performance sometime soon.  Of course it will be different this time, but we all know SOMETHING is going to happen.

If you don't have money in the stock market, then maybe you aren't so worried. But if you do, then you're right in being concerned because we all saw what happened 10 years ago. It set most people back more than a decade and devastated their financial plans.

But all that struggle could have been avoided in 2008, and whatever is coming can be avoided too. It just takes the willingness to think differently about your money and building wealth.

If you're like me, then you already know that Wall Street doesn't care about you. Not even a little.  

Wall Street Only Cares About Wall Street. 

You know what I'm saying is true, even if you don't want to say it out loud. So ask yourself why would you trust them with your life savings when they've already proven that they are willing to make a profit, even if it hurts YOU?

It doesn't make sense, does it?

I know everyone else is doing it and the people on CNBC and Fox News tell you it's a good idea, but you also know that those TV networks are OWNED by Wall Street and big banks. So of course they are going to tell you to give them your money. It may create stability and income for THEM, but it doesn't do that for YOU.

So ask yourself, if you could be SURE of the returns you'd earn on your money, would you prefer that to guessing?  And if you knew exactly how much money you'd have at retirement (or for the next stage of life), would that be better than hoping and praying that you can beat Wall Street at its own game and time the market right? 

If You Answered that You'd Prefer a Predictable, Certain Future for Your Money - Then Keep on Reading...

Here's reality: It's nearly impossible to create a financial plan or retirement strategy when the bulk of your money is riding the roller coaster of the market. There is simply NO WAY to plan for the future when you can't predict what might happen in the markets. 

However, what IS predictable is that the markets will go up and down, and that most "non Wall Street" people will lose while the big banks and financial institutions will win. It's been that way for the past 40+ years, and its only getting worse.

So now we get back to where this post began and I'll ask you the same thing...

"Do you want to try to build your financial future around something that you KNOW is completely unstable?"

If not, congratulations! You may have just changed the financial trajectory of your life...

The Good News...

There are ways to make consistent, predictable, safe returns outside of the "Wall Street Casino", and it's probably not what you think.  These ideas don't require to you out smart big business, "beat the system", or utilize some loop hole that might soon be closed.  

I'm talking about tried and true strategies that have worked for 100's of years and are heavily used by the wealthiest families and corporations in the world.  

The best news is that you don't need to have millions of dollars to implement these ideas.

In Fact You Can Start Building Wealth with As Little as a Few Hundred Dollars a Month.

(Although we have clients using $100k+ each year)

Rather than explaining exactly what I'm talking about (because there's a slightly different variation for each person) I'd like to invite you to learn more by downloading our free book or scheduling a free learning session with our team. There's no obligation and we're happy to answer any of your questions when we talk, so you've got nothing to lose. 

Needless to say, if you are tired of the ups and downs of markets and Wall Street creating chaos in your finances and keeping you from the peace of mind that comes from KNOWING you're on the right track - then I want you to know... 

There ARE Other Alternatives.

If you'd like to do the research yourself, be my guest. (It only took us about 20 years of research to figure this stuff out) Or you can take the "short cut" and learn from a team that has finally figured out how to create predictable returns you can count on for the long haul. Simply schedule a complimentary strategy session or download our free book to see what I'm talking about...

It's Time to Take Charge and Stop Leaving Your Financial Future to Chance.

The choice is yours and the sooner you see how this works, the sooner you'll understand how different your financial life can be!


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