The Most Important Financial Habit

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Imagine you just bought your dream car. How would it feel to sit behind the wheel with the windows rolled down and the fresh wind blowing across your skin. The rumble of the engine tickling you as your favorite song plays on the radio making you want to sing at the top of your lungs, and you can’t believe how great it feels to lean into the incredibly comfortable seat. Everywhere you go, people see your car and gaze in admiration at how beautiful it is rolling down the road…

Then suddenly the engine stops cold. Not even a gurgle as it freezes and leaves you sitting in a lifeless, soundless, hunk of metal going nowhere.

Just 30 seconds ago you were living the good life, but now you’re wondering how you’re going to get anywhere… What changed?

The engine stopped. That’s what.

In a car your engine is EVERYTHING. Without it you can’t move anywhere, the windows don’t work, and even the radio stops. The engine is the entire foundation of what makes a car go.

Your financial life is the same thing. It has a lot of fluffy bells and whistles that can be exciting, but without the ‘engine’ none of it works.

So what’s the financial engine in your life? Learning to SAVE.

I know. I know. That’s not very sexy. BUT, it’s incredibly important.

Think about it… If you never saved any money, how would you grow your business? How would you invest? How would you ever go on vacation, buy a house, or do anything that cost more than a single paycheck?

Learning to systematically save is literally he difference between people who become incredibly wealthy and those who live paycheck to paycheck. Yes, even if you make a LOT of money.

I’ve worked with 1000’s of small business owners and I’ve seen this play out in every. single. case. I’ve helped people who make less than $50,000 a year and are building wealth, and I’ve worked with too many people that make $50,000 a MONTH and are BROKE.

The broke ones spend every penny they make and live in constant fear.

How is that possible?

Because they never learned to save. That’s it.

Seriously. The “broke ones” are smart people and they are doing a lot of things right, but they never figured out how to set aside money from each ‘payday’ and its KILLING them. Its hard on their health, it strains their marriage, and it will be very hard on them when life throws a ‘curve ball’ and they have nothing to fall back on.

Before you learn to run you must learn to walk.

Before the windows and radio work in the car, the engine has to be firing.

Before you can build wealth and invest effectively, you must learn to save.

If you aren’t already, start setting aside at least 10% of every dollar you make. Unless you are absolutely broke already, you should be able to do that quite easily. THEN, once you’re used to 10%, bump it to 15% and then 20%. You’ll be amazed at how quickly the money builds up.

Guess what else builds up? Your confidence. Your abundance. Your optimism.

Somehow the world looks a lot rosier when you’ve got financial strength, and I want you to experience it.

Saving isn't the only component of building wealth, but without it, you’ll never even get out of the parking lot!



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