One of the biggest limitations I see when I’m working with clients is that they are always looking for outside validation when they make decisions. They want to make sure that the choices they make are going to be accepted and approved by those in their social circle. They believe this makes them “right” and it feels safe.
The reality is that only doing the things everyone approves of is a self made prision!
You or your business will never stand out. Your results – whether its financial, social, health, etc – will never take a quantum leap. Your life and your performance will be average at best, and possibly worse.
So how do you avoid the “Average Trap”?
How do you avoid feeling helpless or like a carbon copy of everyone else?
Simple. Stop asking for permission.
In other words, you need to learn to trust yourself to make the decisions that are best for you and those who depend on you. That means sometimes people won’t agree with you. It’s ok.
If you actually knew what everyone around you believed, you wouldn’t find a SINGLE PERSON who agrees with you on everything. So stop pretending.
It’s ok to be different.
In fact, the world NEEDS you to be different. It’s how you create unique value in the world and why people love you!
If you’re a business owner, you’ve done this before. You had a dream and you trusted yourself enough to make it happen. However, once isn’t enough.
That one decision likely changed the trajectory of your life, but just one powerful moment isn’t all that you’re capable of creating. You can do it on a daily basis and in all areas of your life if you choose to…
You don’t need to eat the same crap as everyone around you if it doesn’t suit you. Decide what aligns with your goals, and eat accordingly!
You don’t need to go to the social engagements that bore you to death. Instead begin planning your own social activities and invite the people YOU want to hang out with…
If you’re not saving enough money or creating the financial results you want, then stop doing what everyone else is doing. Think for yourself. Learn about new options and THEN decide what is right for you!
Nearly all of my clients have had the “buck the system” to create the financial rewards they want… that’s why we work together. They’ve decided that the ‘status quo’ isn’t enough for them, and that the system they were handed isn’t a fit. So they’ve made the choice to do what IS a fit for what they want in their life!
So stop asking for permission to be successful, fit, rich, happy, and free! Decide what YOU want and then begin cutting your own path! It may not sound easy, but compared with the alternatives it’s totally worth it.
Choosing your own path truly is the key to success. It’s what has created the best parts of your life, so don’t be afraid of it.
Sometimes your decisions don’t work out, so what. At least you made your own choices, and you can continue to learn from them as you grow. It’s not about being ‘perfect’ or ‘right’, it’s about being YOU!
And when your decisions DO work out for you, people will call you “lucky” and ask how you did it. At that point, you’ll know that you’re on the right path and you can share what ACTUALLY works.
Ready to cut your own path? Begin by downloading What Would The Rockefeller’s Do? and find a whole new way of looking at money!