Where to Invest First

What I am about to say is controversial. So called financial pundits don’t want you to know this. It eliminates your reliance on them. They become obsolete…

So here’s the unspoken, but important truth…

Nothing is more vital than investing in yourself. You are the key to everything in you life. Without you, no doors open. No opportunities are unlocked.

If you are worthless, hopeless, and helpless then your results will be the same. Your finances. Your relationships. Your health. Without these, what is life?

Worse yet, you’ll know that you suck. That can be crippling and keep you playing small. You can’t let it.

You are the only one who can choose. Nobody else chooses this verdict or can take action for you. So what do you do?

Becoming strong is the answer. Not so you can bulldoze or take advantage of others. The complete opposite. Strength to become so valuable that others don’t want to live without you and what you’ve created.

You know you’ve accomplished this when it’s as if you’ve become a great lover in their life. Without you their existence doesn’t taste nearly as delicious. You are creating the music they dance to.

At that point they will do whatever it takes to keep you around. You have become the soil where they want to lay their seeds and grow their life. This is the goal.

It may start slow, but it doesn’t have to. Quantum leaps exist. Bu you’ll need to suspend your current beliefs to see them. You need to paint from a blank canvas, not the one with your current picture of life. It sounds scary but that’s why its a leap.

As you get better, so does your life. It’s a simple equation and you are the key variable. The multiplier that expands everything in your path.

In business this means becoming indispensable. The key asset.

Strive to become “the wheel” rather than a “cog” in the wheel. Someone whose value is so powerful that you are not dependent on outside circumstances for your success.

This is non-negotiable if you want freedom.

Your primary business or income will dictate the lion’s share of your financial standing. This is your foundation. The bedrock upon which you’ll build your kingdom. You must master your craft so that you can access resources.

Without proper resources it is difficult to become your Best Self. Your financial success will go a long way in paving a smoother road for your relationships and health. Money isn’t the answer, but it is far better than poverty if you want true success. If your goal is to be a contribution to the world.

When you invest in yourself the possible returns are unlimited. Literally.

Where else can you invest $5,000 and make six figures? I did it. You can too. I spent $60,000 learning to invest in real estate, and it has made me several million dollars.

I’ve spent six figures in seminars, trainings, and self improvement & business courses. They’ve returned tripled digit returns. Even better, they continue to earn for me each day. More business income. Better relationships. Healthier & happier lifestyle. More intimacy with my creator.

So this is your warning. Success isn’t somewhere “out there”, it is “in here”. Invest in your human capacity, your skills, and your business. You are the craftsman who will sculpt the picture of your life, so focus on being the best craftsman possible.

Once you are performing at a high level and the money is flowing, then we can talk about the framework to take you to even higher. Optimize cash flow. Build assets. Save taxes.

As you become more successful, you’ll need better systems for saving, growing and protecting your assets. We’ll help you take care of that.

If you’re ready now, let us know…

Until then, drop the distractions. Focus on the the most important thing: developing yourself and your business. Live the life you were meant to live. Pursue excellence in all you do. The world will reward you with a rich life… and not just financially. You’ll experience more love, appreciation, and gratitude.

Best of all, you’ll sleep better knowing the world is better because you existed.


NOTE: Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash